Friday, August 26, 2011

One of My Favourite Things to Eat

Hurricane Popcorn!

It's like a book that you can't put down!

If you've ever had Hurricane Popcorn, you probably know why I love it so; it's that furikake and arare rice cracker added in that truly makes it. Of course Hawaii Popcorn Company has started selling the premade stuff for the lazy or short-of-time--I'll admit it, I tried it and eat it when I can't get the kit--but nothing quite beats the original.

Hurricane Popcorn comes with a bag of unseasoned popcorn kernels in a pop-bag, a bag of butter and a pouch of the seaweed-arare mix. The instructions are pretty simple and the outcome is outright heavenly--I seriously hope God has a pantry of JUST Hurricane Popcorn for me when I get there. Of course the toll on your health is totally worth it. The buttery flavour and hint of seaweed is great! Most people whom I've shared Hurricane Popcorn are very hesitant initially, but trust me, the marriage of flavour and tastes is a delicious one.

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